Pinaki Bag
With a career spanning over two decades, Pinaki brings a wealth of expertise in Credit Risk, Analytics, and software pre-sales across Middle East banks and consulting firms. His professional journey includes notable achievements such as successfully training and implementing impactful Risk Management software at major financial institutions in the Middle East. Specializing in Corporate Credit Assessment, Portfolio Review, and regulatory framework implementation, Pinaki has significantly influenced risk management practices in the region. Proficient in economic capital implementation, he strategically leverages economic capital across diverse banking operations. A published author for Elsevier, Pinaki has contributed peer-reviewed articles to top journals, establishing thought leadership in risk management. His presence as a speaker at numerous conferences in the Middle East and Europe reflects his authority on various Credit Risk topics. Currently, Pinaki oversees the sales and operations of DeltaSoft solutions in the Middle East region, driving innovation and excellence in the IT industry.